Workers’ Compensation Benefits
Workers’ compensation benefits are part of a good employer’s benefit package. No employee wants to worry about how their medical bills will be paid when they are injured on the job. Practically every state requires employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance also protects the employers against personal injury lawsuits, so it’s a win-win situation. Unlike health or life insurance, the employer pays for workers’ compensation benefits.
State Regulations Determine How the Program Is Run
There are generally three different ways the workers’ compensation program distributes benefits. In many states, the workers’ insurance program is run by the state. The state agency that oversees the program will pay out benefits in accordance with the rules. The state acts like an insurance company. Employers pay premiums to the state program. You make your claim to the program and receive benefits that are due to you.
Employers can also purchase workers’ compensation insurance from a private insurance company. If your employer uses this policy to provide workers’ comp benefits, you make your claim to the insurance company and that company processes your claim according to the policy. Employers who use this type of insurance often have to provide benefits based on state law, not what they want to provide.
Some employers self-insure their workers by having sufficient assets to provide benefits when a worker is injured. The state may still oversee the business to make sure that the employees receive the right amount of benefits when they are injured. Employers who use self-insurance to provide worker’s comp benefits are often less inclined to want to pay the right amount. It may be more difficult to get compensation from self-insured employers.
Some industries have benefits that are administered by the Department of Labor at the federal level. Federal employees, energy employees and harbor workers fall under different rules and regulations when they are injured on the job. Generally, your workplace should have information about the rules that cover you when you are hurt at work.
Seek Treatment and Make a Report
No matter who administrates the workers’ compensation benefits for your employer, if you are injured on the job, the first thing you need to do is to seek medical treatment. Tell your healthcare provider that you were injured at work and give them your employer’s name and contact information. Once you are safe, you should make a written report to your supervisor in accordance with the employer’s policies.
If you are struggling with getting workers’ compensation benefits, you may want to discuss your situation with Glendale workers compensation lawyers to determine the best way to proceed.
Thanks to Hickey & Turim, SC for their insight into workers compensation and who provides benefits.