Dealing with a criminal case is not fun for the accused or their loved one. When an individual is faced with criminal charges there are so many things that may cross your mind, “will I go to jail”, “how long?”, “what should I do?” Anyone is capable of committing a crime, and no matter your knowledge of the law, sometimes what you should do may escape your mind. There are things you should, and things you should not do at all. So you have a better understanding of what can potentially make or break your case, we will discuss both parts.

No matter how tempting it may seem, do not bribe or attempt to talk your way out of being charged or arrested. While law enforcement officers are human, they usually already know if they are going to arrest you or not. Therefore, if you are arrested or charged with a crime do not speak with anyone about your case other than your legal representation. This means especially no recorded statements. Remember that prosecution is looking to pursue charges, and law enforcement is looking to arrest someone for a crime, so you should not waste time in building your defense. Your freedom is your priority, without committing any other offenses in the meantime, so please be mindful of everything you do.

To ensure that you are moving in the right direction, there are some things you can do to prove your innocence and build your case. Keep your “defense” to yourself, allow your attorney to speak on your behalf do not speak for yourself. You do not want to incriminate yourself when police are looking for an arrest. If you do not have an attorney, speak to one immediately. Most criminal defense attorneys offer free consultations, and it is better to know too much than to know too little. This is when you can discuss the details of your case entirely. Even if they are not retained, there is still attorney-client confidentiality. While building your case, try to find any possible evidence to prove your innocence; this includes witnesses or a possible alibi. Be as honest as possible and you can hope for the best possible outcome. 

It is easy to fall into the trap of trying to prove your innocence, should you or someone you know be currently facing criminal charges and are not sure what to do, do nothing, then call an attorney in Dekalb County, GA as soon as possible to find out what legal options may be available for you.

Thanks to Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. for their insight into criminal law and what not to do.

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