Monthly Archives: January 2020

What Can You Do If Your Employer Does Not File an Incident Report?

Workers Compensation Ideally when you are injured at work, you will report it right away for workers’ compensation. Unfortunately, in some cases, your employer may not report the injury at all. Your compensation claim is time sensiti...

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Trusts are often considered a secure form of estate planning. While that is generally true, there are still a few things that can cause a trust to be challenged and end up in litigation. Who can Challenge a Trust? Only someone with “...

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How Do I Obtain a Child Custody Modification?

The needs of any specific family never stay exactly the same for long. Similarly, a child’s best interests tend to evolve as that child ages and his or her family situation changes. American family law recognizes that from time to ti...

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Medicaid Five Year Look Back

|This is one of the most common questions I hear as an elder law attorney. Its also an area that gets Medicaid applicants in to a lot of trouble – especially when they think they understand the 5-year look back and try to play amateu...

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Wrongful Death Damages and Taxation

A very common question in wrongful death cases is whether or not the amount awarded in the case is taxed. This can make a huge difference in large cases. In fact, it could be the factor that determines whether or not it is worth the ti...

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