When you are faced with a disability that prevents you from working, it may be time to file a Social Security claim. Unfortunately, the process for the application is not always easy and you may be denied for simple reasons or reasons that could have been prevented. Many people have stories to tell about how the Social Security disability process is a nightmare, but when you work with a Social Security lawyer, you know you are getting the right help for your claim. Just because you might have a legitimate claim does not mean you won’t get denied. However, a Social Security lawyer can help go over the claim process with you and even help you if your claim has been denied. Below, you will find out how you can locate the right Social Security lawyer to help you. 

Do I need to hire a lawyer?

No, you are not required to hire an attorney. However, it can be very beneficial to the claim process and gives you a higher likelihood of having your claim accepted. 

What should I ask when meeting with my Social Security lawyer?

There are many ways to determine if a lawyer is the right one for you. For example, you want to inquire about their past cases. How long have they been representing Social Security clients? Are they accessible so that you can ask them questions when you need to? Further, you will want to make sure that you and your attorney get along. While this is a subjective matter, it is important that you and your attorney get along because you will be spending time with them and putting your trust in them. This can help you stress less about your claim and rely on them for things that you don’t understand in the claim process. 

I’m not sure if I meet the qualifications for disability benefits. How can I know?

This is one of the ways that our team can help you. Especially with all of the legal jargon in the benefits packages, you may not know if you qualify for disability benefits. However, our attorneys have gone through this process many times and can help determine if you meet the qualifications. 

I’ve already been denied for Social Security benefits. Can you help?

Absolutely. Just because you have been denied does not mean we cannot file an appeal. There is hope that you can still get these benefits. That said, you will likely not have more success when you file your appeal than you did the first time if you are filing it alone. This is where an attorney from our firm can help you. People who file an appeal with the help of legal representation have statistically higher chances of getting approved the second time around.

For more information regarding the Social Security disability process and filing a claim, reach out to a social security disability attorney in Roanoke, VA.

Thanks to The Law Office of Mark T. Hurt for their insight into Social Security disability law.

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