Getting a mesothelioma diagnosis can come as quite a shock. In fact, because of how long it often takes for a person to develop mesothelioma after they have been exposed to asbestos, they are usually completely unaware that they have mesothelioma and may not even know when they were exposed. When you get diagnosed, one thing on your mind is probably trying to figure out how you can get compensation for your illness. This is not something you should do on your own because a mesothelioma lawyer, like a mesothelioma lawyer in Indianapolis, IN, will have access to the resources needed to help you fight your case. 

How do I find the right attorney?

This is one of the first questions a person should ask when they are pursuing any kind of lawsuit or claim. Hiring an attorney is almost always better than attempting a case on your own, and you want to make sure you find the right attorney for the job. 

  1. Talk with Your Colleagues. If you believe you know where you got mesothelioma (for example, if you worked in a construction company three decades ago that likely had asbestos), there is a very good chance that some of your former colleagues are going through the same thing that you are. When this is the case, it means they also may be pursuing a claim and have an attorney. It can be very helpful to find an attorney that someone you worked with recommends, and you may even be able to join their lawsuit. 
  2. Do Your Research. Finding an attorney who works well with you comes from doing some research. Simply having an attorney on your side will not help. You want to ensure he or she knows what they are talking about and specialize in mesothelioma cases. Many legal websites list out different attorneys with their specializations so that you have the option of who you want to call.

What should I look for in a mesothelioma lawyer?

This is another good question. When you are going to work with someone on a case that could take months or years, you want to ensure you can work well together. Look at the lawyer’s references. Do they come highly recommended? Sit down and interview your lawyer before hiring them. Go into your consultation with a list of questions that you need to have answered. Your comfort level with an attorney matters. 
Thanks to Ward & Ward Law Firm for their insight into choosing the right mesothelioma lawyer for your lawsuit.

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