Monthly Archives: February 2020

Injuries You Could Be Facing Following an Uber Accident

There are a number of ways for an Uber accident to occur. You may have been a passenger in the Uber or a driver in another car. Regardless, in some situations, the Uber driver may have been held at fault for the accident. If damages ha...

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Your Employer’s Duties Surrounding Workers’ Compensation

As an employee of a business in the United States, you are entitled to workers’ compensation in most situations regarding workplace injuries. While there are some exceptions to the rule, your employer is legally obligated to provide ...

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The Steps to Finally Leaving an Abusive Spouse

When people hear stories about domestic abuse in a marriage, they may think to themselves: Why didn’t the victim leave sooner? Why would they stay with someone who hurt them? Why would they keep going back? The fact of the matter is ...

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How Do I Know If There Is a Warrant Out for My Arrest?

This may come as a surprise, but many people who have warrants out for their arrest have no idea that such a warrant even exists. This can happen for a variety of different reasons, but the crux of the matter is that anyone who suspect...

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Impaired Pedestrians at Risk

There have been extensive educational programs to reduce driving under the influence, but less attention aimed at reducing walking under the influence. Experts believe that if a person is too drunk to get behind the wheel, they are lik...

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